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Panduan Lengkap Download Jurnal Harian Kelas 4 Semester 2 Revisi 2018 untuk Guru

Download Jurnal Harian Kelas 4 Semester 2 Revisi 2018

If you are a teacher or a student of grade 4 in Indonesia, you might be familiar with the term jurnal harian. It is a part of the curriculum 2013 that requires teachers to record and reflect on their daily teaching activities. It is also a useful tool for students to monitor their learning progress and achievements. In this article, we will explain what jurnal harian is, why it is important, how to download jurnal harian kelas 4 semester 2 revisi 2018, and some tips and tricks to use it effectively.

What is Jurnal Harian and Why is it Important?

Jurnal harian is a daily journal that teachers use to document their teaching activities, such as the date, time, theme, sub-theme, learning objectives, materials, methods, assessments, and reflections. It is a part of the teacher's work book that needs to be prepared before starting a new semester. Jurnal harian has several important functions in the implementation of learning, such as:

download jurnal harian kelas 4 semester 2 revisi 2018

The Definition and Function of Jurnal Harian

  • It helps teachers to plan and organize their teaching activities according to the semester program and the academic calendar.

  • It helps teachers to track and evaluate their teaching performance and outcomes.

  • It helps teachers to identify the strengths and weaknesses of their teaching methods and strategies.

  • It helps teachers to improve their professional development and competence.

  • It helps teachers to communicate and collaborate with other teachers, students, parents, and stakeholders.

Jurnal harian is not only beneficial for teachers, but also for students. It can help students to:

The Benefits of Using Jurnal Harian

  • Understand the learning objectives and expectations of each lesson.

  • Follow the learning activities and materials that are provided by the teacher.

  • Assess their own learning progress and achievements.

  • Reflect on their strengths and weaknesses in learning.

  • Develop their self-regulation and metacognition skills.

How to Download Jurnal Harian Kelas 4 Semester 2 Revisi 2018

If you are looking for jurnal harian kelas 4 semester 2 revisi 2018, you can find it online from various sources. However, before you download it, you need to know the format and content of jurnal harian kelas 4 semester 2 revisi 2018. Here are some details that you need to pay attention to:

The Format and Content of Jurnal Harian Kelas 4 Semester 2 Revisi 2018

Jurnal harian kelas 4 semester 2 revisi 2018 is based on the curriculum 2013 revision that was issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture in Indonesia. It covers four themes, namely:

  • Tema 6: Indahnya Kebersamaan (The Beauty of Togetherness)

  • Tema 7: Energi dan Perubahannya (Energy and Its Changes)

  • Tema 8: Serba Serbi Makhluk Hidup (All About Living Things)

  • Tema 9: Daerah Tempat Tinggalku (My Place of Living)

Each theme consists of several sub-themes and learning objectives that are aligned with the core competencies and basic competencies of each subject. The subjects that are integrated in jurnal harian kelas 4 semester 2 revisi 2018 are:

  • Pendidikan Agama dan Budi Pekerti (Religious Education and Character Building)

  • Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan (Civic Education)

  • Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian Language)

  • Matematika (Mathematics)

  • Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (Natural Science)

  • Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial (Social Science)

  • Seni Budaya dan Prakarya (Arts and Crafts)

  • Pendidikan Jasmani, Olahraga, dan Kesehatan (Physical Education, Sports, and Health)

The format of jurnal harian kelas 4 semester 2 revisi 2018 is a table that contains the following columns:

TanggalWaktuTema/SubtemaTujuan PembelajaranBahan AjarMetode PembelajaranEvaluasi PembelajaranRefleksi Pembelajaran

DateTimeTheme/SubthemeLearning ObjectivesTeaching MaterialsTeaching MethodsLearning EvaluationLearning Reflection

Example: 1/7/2023Example: 08.00-09.00Example: Tema 6/Subtema 1: Persahabatan dalam Keberagaman (Theme 6/Subtheme 1: Friendship in Diversity)Example: Menghargai perbedaan pendapat, sikap, dan perilaku teman sebaya dalam berbagai situasi (Respecting the differences of opinions, attitudes, and behaviors of peers in various situations)Example: Buku Tematik Terpadu Kurikulum 2013 Revisi 2018 Kelas 4 Tema 6 Indahnya Kebersamaan (Integrated Thematic Book Curriculum 2013 Revision 2018 Grade 4 Theme 6 The Beauty of Togetherness)Example: Ceramah, diskusi, tanya jawab, role play, simulasi, observasi, eksperimen, penugasan, proyek (Lecture, discussion, question and answer, role play, simulation, observation, experiment, assignment, project)Example: Tes tertulis, tes lisan, tes praktik, portofolio, penilaian diri, penilaian teman sejawat, penilaian guru (Written test, oral test, practical test, portfolio, self-assessment, peer assessment, teacher assessment)Example: Apa yang sudah saya lakukan dengan baik? Apa yang perlu saya perbaiki? Bagaimana cara saya memperbaiki kekurangan saya? Apa yang menjadi tantangan saya dalam pembelajaran ini? Bagaimana cara saya mengatasi tantangan tersebut? (What have I done well? What do I need to improve? How do I improve my weaknesses? What are the challenges for me in this learning? How do I overcome those challenges?)

The Sources and Links to Download Jurnal Harian Kelas 4 Semester 2 Revisi 2018

You can download jurnal harian kelas 4 semester 2 revisi 2018 from various sources online. However, you need to be careful and choose the sources that are reliable and updated. Here are some of the sources and links that you can use to download jurnal harian kelas 4 semester 2 revisi 2018:

Download jurnal harian kelas 4 semester 2 kurikulum 2013

Download jurnal harian kelas 4 semester 2 tema 6

Download jurnal harian kelas 4 semester 2 tema 7

Download jurnal harian kelas 4 semester 2 tema 8

Download jurnal harian kelas 4 semester 2 tema 9

Download jurnal harian kelas 4 semester 2 sub tema

Download jurnal harian kelas 4 semester 2 pembelajaran

Download jurnal harian kelas 4 semester 2 kompetensi dasar

Download jurnal harian kelas 4 semester 2 materi pokok

Download jurnal harian kelas 4 semester 2 kegiatan pemelajaran

Download jurnal harian kelas 4 semester 2 penilaian pembelajaran

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  • []: This is the official website of the Ministry of Education and Culture in Indonesia. You can find the latest version of jurnal harian kelas 4 semester 2 revisi 2018 here along with other documents related to the curriculum 2013 revision.

  • []( ): This is the website of the Electronic School Book (BSE) that provides free and legal access to various school books, including the integrated thematic book for grade 4 that contains the themes and sub-themes of jurnal harian kelas 4 semester 2 revisi 2018.

  • []: This is a website that provides various educational resources for teachers and students, including jurnal harian kelas 4 semester 2 revisi 2018 in PDF format. You can download it for free by clicking the link on the website.

  • []: This is another website that offers various educational materials, such as books, modules, worksheets, and journals. You can find jurnal harian kelas 4 semester 2 revisi 2018 here in PDF format as well. You need to register and login to download it.



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